
Monday, March 03, 2008

Classifying True Friends from Mere Acquaintance

3rd March 2008, Monday

Over the weekend while almost the entire home forces were out hunting a crippled Muslim extremist leader with little luck on his whereabouts, the world mourned for a true legend in Hong Kong entertainment scene who was such a magnanimous and colorful character who had warmed the hearts of viewers for generations, the late Lydia Sum, putting the now-draggy episode of the Edison Chan fiasco on the back on everyone's mind for now...

Lydia or more affectionately known as Fei Fei had many friends in the entertainment business and almost all who could make it went for her Remembrance Ceremony.

Personally I am not a truly magnanimous person and friendship is a commodity I thought I wouldn't really put too much faith into.
Afterall I had only a handful of true friends who I am willing to share weals and woes with, whom I think I can confide in and whom I felt I had my life was not wasted away just by talking to them.

A true friend would be like buddy CS who braved the rain on Saturday morning to fix up the heat sink for my CPU as he promised he would weeks back.
My game-a-holic buddy who had to juggled between work, his lass and his substantial need of time to play games, bothered to travel all the way to help me out and meticulously he helped alleviate the issue that had been bugging my PC for ages now....
My gratitude towards his act could only be repaid in the future... to show how much a true friend him and the rest of the Wrecking gang were to me...

Then of course the La Tendo clique will always be regarded as my most important "nakama" as well (as if I hadn't emphasize on that hard enough)...
We even bothered to buy a cake to celebrate the shop's birthday.
The entire troop will show their presence when an occasion commands for it for the past 3 years or so..Therefore from the many celebrations and overseas expeditions we had gone through together make me even more comfortable with their presence..
I am even willing to spend days just hanging around the shop just to dabble in their presence....

At the other end of the spectrum, I do find my group of close friends in NUS can be a bit fake or obnoxious...which means they might not be that close...
Among the herd, Edmund and Jing Jing were the one we could really relate to and contributed alot for our wedding 2 years back.
Last Saturday was their turn and we would render any help if they had asked us but they seemingly had ample assistance at hands...
Mom was curious why aren't we were included in the "brother-sister" line-up but I know they meant good, knowing I would always be too busy to comply...
Ed had a great showing on the banquet in Pan Pacific, and surely his years of toiling for his career was evident and for now his in-laws who used to look down upon him surely had changed their paradigm towards a person like him with a background they might felt incompatible with their own precious daughter....
Talking to all my successful friends from the university, I surely felt a slight sense of inferiority but after assurance from the missus, as long as we are contend with our lives and living it to the fullest, that's all it matters...

Doubt I will meet these friends up till next wedding I supposed...and we really don't click in that level enough I want to spare much of my precious time with them...

Other group of people I had felt close allegiance to like some of colleagues but the days passed we aren't really that close as I thought we would be...
Factions were formed, and politics arose...In the end we all came to work for the monthly renumeration, as I told my American boss, we might not necessary came to make friends...
The only one who I had close association to had recently had a strong urge to jump ship...She became too negative an influence for me I felt...

Finally, with the overseas ICT beckoning, it is always important to renew alliance with some fellow reservist personnel, to rid of any loneliness in Taiwan and perhaps reap greater rewards as well...

Japanese word of the day: 分類しなさい ~bun-rui-shi-na-sa-i~(Classify) I wonder how my friends classify my friendship under...

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