For All the Japanese Ladies I Love....第一巻
Since my dour life is identical day by day, let's delved on some really superficial topic that give an insight about a part of taste in women...
nay...I'm no conisseur in this area nor have dated millions of girls to make any's just that I had been ardently following Japanese pop culture for a big chunk of my life and some of them never fails to entice me wiith their beauty as well as their literally it's skin deep that's all...
A run down of the Japanese female actors/ singers/celebrities that I really fancy these days...
No. 1: Uehara Takako (上原多香子)

Yes after so many years my affection for Taka-chan had not wavered a bit...
I definitely had seen her grow up in the entertainment industry from her debut at the age of 14 with Speed as a "vase"-like dancer with very minimal usuage of her vocal chords to her solo effort which give us plenty of reasons why her vocal chords has better left unused to her run with dorama as she reprised her role as just a "vase"....
Nevertheless, Takako is and always be the only one I would be madly pursueing for and spent a small fortune collecting posters, albums, pictorial books and even photographs which in the end all very much sold at a deflated price on local auction webpage.
Haven't seen her much these days on any variety shows or doramas, so perhaps she is now in a pretty semi-retirement mode....
No. 2: Hasegawa Kyoko (長谷川京子)

"Tentai Kanzoku (天体観測)" is like a "Friends" dorama starring some budding actors at that time such as Koyuki, Ito Hideaki, Sakaguchi Kenji, Konishi Minami & Odagiri Jo. It's basically a crap story about why anyone should join an astronomical club in college and why Japanese girls like abusive boyfriends. But like my buddy, I was totally too attracted to the sweet schizophrenic Kyoko in the show to actually care about anything else.
Then I watched her again in "Boku dake no Madonna (僕だけのマドンナ)" with another eye-candy in Takizawa Hideaki which sort of signify her further as a woman men would be very much crazy about as compared to her co-actress, Shimatani Hitomi who appeared as a straight face auntie in the show.
Kyoko went on to earn big money as the "Queen of CM (commercials)" in 2004 and was rumored to cause a rift between Sorimachi and Matsushima Nanako s' marriage..but that deter her from featuring on the no. 2 spot on my list.
No. 3: Matsuura Aya (松浦亜弥)

Perhaps the only long surviving solo singer in Tsunku's "Hello Project" but this doe-eyed, sweet 19 years old got my heart flustered years back when our local TV is still showing Music Station in like graveyard hours in Friday morning with her "Love, Namida Iro"..that bubblegum pop tune, that colorful backdrop, that cheesy dance moves but most importantly that pair of eyes that can definitely resuscitate me back from a state of unconciousness.
Aya-chan is still very much around and involved in their Hello! Project annual campaigns to team up with the likes of Morning Musume.
Rumors says that she is dating Ryohei of "w-inds" or come on we all know Keita is a much better choice!
No. 4: Nakama Yukie (仲間由紀恵)
First there was "Gokusen (ごくせん)" and then the "Trick (トリック)" series opposite Abe Hiroshi which made their the most unlikely most compartible couple in dorama, Nakama Yukie has easily established as a versatile actress able to transform from a gorgeous lady to a top-notched comedian although I prefer the latter side of her better.
Then there was that chemistry with one of my fave actor, Odagiri Jo in "Kao" and "Shinobi" while I'm sure would be endearing.
Another "Queen of CM" even these days for the likes of Lotte, some shampoo and most importantly handphone provider, au by KDDI.
No. 5: Itoh Misaki (伊東美咲)
It's amazing how a single hit dorama can push yuor popularity level to sky high....
As Hermes in "Densha Otoko (電車男)", Itoh-san had absolutely smitten the warm hearts of trillions of male viewers and otakus alike including myself and my good friend, Chan.
Before that, she is almost negligible in "Gokusen 1" opposite the likes of Yukie and Nakazawa Yuko.
Her role as Sorimachi's sister, Shima in "Hotman 2 (ホットマン2)", picking the role from Konishi Minami was definitely the platform to gear her to stardom .
I didn't even know she appears in some movies (such as "Yomigaeri (黃 泉 復 活)")and doramas such as "Itoshi Kimi e(愛し君へ)" & "Black Jack ni Yoroshiku (ブラックジャックによろしく)" which I had watched before.
Likewise, her popularity leads to more CMs with the likes of cosmetic giant, Shisedo, Nestle Japan and most importantly, the face of Vodafone.
2006 is gonna be a much bigger year for her definitely...
To Be Continued..つつく
Tomorrow: some of the others that I fancy as well...
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