Wish all Holidays Fall on Thursday
30th May 2007, Wednesday
The overall mood on this final day of a busy May is a jovial one...
How can I not be? It's mid week yet it felt like the end of the week as tomorrow's Vesak Day holiday..
Even the Friday beckoning seems like a half-hearted one with the weekend just preceding that...I won't have the luxury of time to fully start on my process, meaning Friday would be a soul-less carcass seeing the day goes by...literally the week really ends for me today...
Last evening IPT did take a toll on me as they decided to proceed with a CAT test (i.e. just an IPPT to gauge how well we can perform) at 8pm after the introduction which expectedly end a good 1 hour plus later for the entire lot of 100 plus of us...
We were made to run that 6 rounds around the track which even prolong the out-pro timing...
I got home by around 10pm and had my dinner at a timing meant for supper..couldn't get myself to sleep till half past the midnight thus only managed to creep out of bed by 7 this morning...
Then again it could be I was having such a nectarine-sweet dream about the newly-crowned Miss Universe from Japan, Miss Mori Riyo...
She is not the most gorgeous of the finalist in the annual beauty pageant held in New Mexico City this year but she does have the charisma to carry off the title... Miss Korea was one of the last 5 looks perhaps much prettier, only there's a high chance her nose is being surgically altered...
A strong representation from Asia in the final 15 with 4 (together with Thailand and India) shows the Oriental looks might be back in once more... except Singapore might never unravel our own myth of getting a beauty queen fit to make it into the top three of the premier competition, let alone winning it...
Also got the news from Foo that the lead vocals of the popular 90s J-pop group, Zard, Sakai Izumi died of a tragic accident on her way to a hospital to treat her cancer...
It's pretty sad to end a life that way especially at such a tender age (ok she's still in her 40s but still too young) as well... now there should be a Zard best album awaiting to be released again by the unscrupulous money-generating company...
Will be anticipating to watch "Maison Ikkoku" the live-action dorama special from TV Asahi this evening...
The year was 1995...Monday and Tuesday late nights were never the same when Channel 8 (god blessed) decided to telecast the anime series which propel manga-ka Takahashi Rumiko to her stellar status... and the main character Godai was the loser we could so relate to...and Kyoko the apartment manager was the dream girl for me and my buddy...
Without fail, we would shrug off any weariness we carried for the start of a school week to start up till wee hours of 1 am just to continue the long (96 episodes) series and followed the journey of Godai to successfully win the heart of Kyoko, fending off adversaries like the dashing tennis coach, Mitaka...
We'll chat about the storyline even though the anime series was actually a good 10 years back then...
We'll memorized those enchanting OP & ED themes such as "Ci.ne.ma" and "Begin the Night" from Picasso...
Ultimately we will envision ourselves as Godai, and his uphill mission to get the girl of his dream, rejoicing when he actually got it...
As such, this series played a crucial role in our early otaku days and will always be well cherished by the likes of us...
The live action had Itoh Misaki, who will always remembered as Hermes from "Densha Otoko" as Kyoko which to me doesn't seems too ideal but then if you ask me who will be suitable to step into this massive role, I will be stumbled as this sacred role shouldn't be taken out of the fantasy anime context as of most gem anime series...
As for Godai, I have never seen the actor before but he sure doesn't have the Godai feel to it...
Nevertheless this special couldn't come in a more suitable time and let's hope it can live up to the animated counterpart...
The overall mood on this final day of a busy May is a jovial one...
How can I not be? It's mid week yet it felt like the end of the week as tomorrow's Vesak Day holiday..
Even the Friday beckoning seems like a half-hearted one with the weekend just preceding that...I won't have the luxury of time to fully start on my process, meaning Friday would be a soul-less carcass seeing the day goes by...literally the week really ends for me today...
Last evening IPT did take a toll on me as they decided to proceed with a CAT test (i.e. just an IPPT to gauge how well we can perform) at 8pm after the introduction which expectedly end a good 1 hour plus later for the entire lot of 100 plus of us...
We were made to run that 6 rounds around the track which even prolong the out-pro timing...
I got home by around 10pm and had my dinner at a timing meant for supper..couldn't get myself to sleep till half past the midnight thus only managed to creep out of bed by 7 this morning...
Then again it could be I was having such a nectarine-sweet dream about the newly-crowned Miss Universe from Japan, Miss Mori Riyo...
She is not the most gorgeous of the finalist in the annual beauty pageant held in New Mexico City this year but she does have the charisma to carry off the title... Miss Korea was one of the last 5 looks perhaps much prettier, only there's a high chance her nose is being surgically altered...
A strong representation from Asia in the final 15 with 4 (together with Thailand and India) shows the Oriental looks might be back in once more... except Singapore might never unravel our own myth of getting a beauty queen fit to make it into the top three of the premier competition, let alone winning it...
Also got the news from Foo that the lead vocals of the popular 90s J-pop group, Zard, Sakai Izumi died of a tragic accident on her way to a hospital to treat her cancer...
It's pretty sad to end a life that way especially at such a tender age (ok she's still in her 40s but still too young) as well... now there should be a Zard best album awaiting to be released again by the unscrupulous money-generating company...
Will be anticipating to watch "Maison Ikkoku" the live-action dorama special from TV Asahi this evening...
The year was 1995...Monday and Tuesday late nights were never the same when Channel 8 (god blessed) decided to telecast the anime series which propel manga-ka Takahashi Rumiko to her stellar status... and the main character Godai was the loser we could so relate to...and Kyoko the apartment manager was the dream girl for me and my buddy...
Without fail, we would shrug off any weariness we carried for the start of a school week to start up till wee hours of 1 am just to continue the long (96 episodes) series and followed the journey of Godai to successfully win the heart of Kyoko, fending off adversaries like the dashing tennis coach, Mitaka...
We'll chat about the storyline even though the anime series was actually a good 10 years back then...
We'll memorized those enchanting OP & ED themes such as "Ci.ne.ma" and "Begin the Night" from Picasso...
Ultimately we will envision ourselves as Godai, and his uphill mission to get the girl of his dream, rejoicing when he actually got it...
As such, this series played a crucial role in our early otaku days and will always be well cherished by the likes of us...
The live action had Itoh Misaki, who will always remembered as Hermes from "Densha Otoko" as Kyoko which to me doesn't seems too ideal but then if you ask me who will be suitable to step into this massive role, I will be stumbled as this sacred role shouldn't be taken out of the fantasy anime context as of most gem anime series...
As for Godai, I have never seen the actor before but he sure doesn't have the Godai feel to it...
Nevertheless this special couldn't come in a more suitable time and let's hope it can live up to the animated counterpart...
Japanese word of the day: ビューティー・クイーン (Beauty Queen) Well at least Jessica Tan still looks better than Miss Malaysia and Miss China
More nostalgia for you:
0ne, at 7:40 AM
Oh yeah,
I sure belongs to the curtailed 1st Gen otaku of Singapore...
Although I have rough recollection of Gatchman which I remembered I love dearly when I was young, I can remember watching the likes of Gulliver Travels and Captain Future (I even have rough plastic figurines of Captain Future and gang)...
Thanks for the memories!!
Kei, at 4:53 PM
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