
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Human Differences

12th September 2007, Wednesday

We as humans are bound to have differences since we are of such myriad personalities, lifestyles & ideologies of life on the whole...
Unless you live a hermit's life in some obscure corner of the universe, there will tend to be human interactions and differences bound to exist...

In my old workplace, the number of staff in my lab was easily countable by one hand and it didn't take long for me to align myself with the girls in their resilient battle against JxMMy D...
However when I jumped ship to this new workplace, it was a whole new arena with a whole new stable of personnels which we had to cross our paths with...

My department fundmentally consists of 6 technician in charge of various platforms however there were many more staff and attachment staff as well as students and post-docs which are part of the entire work process, so we are looking like 30 odd people on the whole...

While the unanimous animosity towards his Beautiness as well as the loathe towards the Celestial one were well documented, these days another force began to emerged from the abyss...
The catalyst for this emergence is none other than my colleague, Jason, the tender-skin prime target of lust from His Beautiness, and supposedly a popular characters among the female colleagues (BY did labeled him her "idol)...
It all began when a former classmate of his from his college time down under, Jeane joined one of our PI's group late last year... At first we speculated that they might be an item since they were spotted chatting heartily alone often, only to be quashed by the fact that the latter is already attached...it didn't stop us suggesting to Jason to disregard the relationship and go after her nevertheless...
At the meantime, our group was heralded the appearance of B3 (a nickname given by BY for the Indian vixen as the B series were supposed to help her out on her chore)...
At first B3 was basically a loner despite our efforts to woo her to have lunch with us to build a steady relationship at work...We did have some good chats in her early days here...

Then the drastic change came upon me & KM shifting our workstations to the office and truncating that distance between her workstation and Jason's...
Sparks flew off immediately as the pair would make up lost time by having a ball of a time keeping internal secrets or sort in that little lab room, to an extent of calling each other (more of B3 to Jason) "Honey" or "Dear"... though the bottomline is it is merely for fun and their relation remains platonic...

However from the 2nd quarter of this year, via Jason, B3 began to pledge close allegiance towards Jeane and eventually another seasoned colleague from her group, SM and together they combined to form the stable known as "The 3 Beauties" (三大美人) with reference to the "Four Beauties of Ancient China" or Jason's Beauties... (The Celestial One supposed to be the Yang Gui Fei character but she seems to distance from this clique very much that her association is watered down)
Their usual activities beside lunching together would be curding in the lab to just chit chat as well as go for afternoon teabreaks on regular basis, usually with the company of Jason...
While indulging in the former, they would scatter in matter of seconds when seemingly "caught in the act" by some of us...
This indicates that they might felt that their actions may have been illicit or just not appropriate which we might frown upon, resulting in such shifty manner...the rest of us also began to feel likewise and the fact that the 3 Beauties aren't what you known as "model worker"...
Not titling them as "loafers" but they wouldn't lay a hand towards unnecessary chores usually especially B3 who we work day in and out with...

Perhaps being over sensitive at times, BY and I felt a couple of the Beauties (i.e. B3 & Jeane) just doesn't feel very comfortable with our presence and prepensely shun from us whenever possible...
This led to me quoting to some of my fellow co-workers saying that Jeane might actually dislike me, a notion which brought a barrage of rebuttal from the likes of Jason & HB who said perhaps my scary, unsmilingly face might have scared her off...Not that I care a wee bit...

Jason who is perhaps caught in between us & them always try to sooth any tension instead just aggravating the situation...

We tried to ask them out for lunches for a while but they would simply segregate at one corner and chat among themselves...
It's blatant we had our differences and doesn't seem to gel as one very much sooner...

Not too long back, Shitty Green inquired about the different factions at our workplace and he didn't seem to stamp approval on such faction thingie but it is hard not to seriously ..
His faction is the best...only himself and no one else...perhaps his boys...

In the same issue of having issues with people, we always knew that Vincent's spouse, Miyano is rather blunt when comes ot human relationship...
With Nao, a friendly Iwate native who's hospitality was heart felt back in February when we were there organizing a barnyard trip as well as a chance to walk in snow knee-deep, arriving for a one-day only trip in Singapore; the La Tendo gang (with the exception of Karen, all had been on the receiving end of Nao's hospitality) will be cooking a perfect and memorable stay in our mundane country...
However a few of us added some comments speculating the gender of Nao's traveling companion while I was skeptical his intention of visiting the Kranji Turf Club...
This led to Miyano to replied in her usual hostile manner, claiming that this trip was not for us but for him....
Perhaps she didn't possess an excellent command of English and I may have perceived her message incorrectly, I felt compelled to hurl a full rebuttal at her face and I did though it didn't brought about any repercussion as I had expected....
I think I was the only one deciphering the hostility in her reply and she should expect such vociferous rebuke from a "tiger" like myself...Doubt we might resolve our differences anytime soon.

Japanese word of the day: 人間~nin-gen~(Human) I'm just glad that there are quite a number of people who actually like my presence despite I'm not an easy person to be with



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