Fallout of another Weekend
16th July 2007, Monday
Not much thoughts this weekend which I spent entirely with the missus and the La Tendo gang...
A late night on Friday evening, we slept at 4 in the morning in fact accumulated lethargy for the wife as she decided to take a day off work to curb that irresistible Monday blues
Then again the barrage of calls from her office on Sunday was a killjoy for a day she had expect to just have a good work out with badminton and then another of the product outing with her side lines chums...
Weekend came early for us as for the 2nd night in a row, we headed to AMK central where our celebration for Ferris & EK s' birthdays were held at the K Box in Mac Center (if that was what the building was called)
The main birthday boy (a day belated nonetheless) came a bit late from work when the entire lot of us cuddled in a slightly cramped karaoke box as they had not reserved the biggest room for us...
We were shortly joined by Bryan and Chan from their own personal affairs preceding the crooning session...
The main focus was the Hi-Nu Gundam EK had done for Ferris while for a moment a few of us engaged fervently in a game of Mario Kart on our NDS linked by wi-fi...which I sucks big time...
As we worked our vocal chords till 3 am in the morning, we entertained ourselves with the song selection which spanned a good 30 years in Chinese pop history while the likes of Vincent, Miyano & Reedy hid in the other room offered for us with a non-stop English oldies session...

I do look fat in these pictures

The only place you'll see an orange Gundam...
We got out by noon and was adequately satisfied with our brunch comprised of Mom's famous curry chicken with plenty of potato pieces to appease our starch cravings...
Then we just hid out from the arid Saturday weather, procrastinating to hit town as the missus had to rendezvous with EK and Yanhui for the Jacky Cheung concert in the evening..
It turned out that Karen would be attending the concert as well as a free ticket from a male friend led us to raised eyebrows on that guy's intention...Seriously I wouldn't part a good $90+ on a concert ticket to a platonic female friend without a motive, but then that's me...
After dinner with the concert-going lot as well as Bryan who had loads of free time after his resignation from his mundane job, we hung out awhile at the store and chat about the future of this joint we had grew affections about over the years....
Expansion is the main way to go when the landlord uses unscruplous ways to snatch back the lease and utilize it for their own business which might bust eventually...
Now across the horizon is a unit twice as big as the current place in a boisterous shopping mall, opening hours of 10 to 10 everyday 7 days a week and probably more staff to support such torrid, punishing hours..but overall it will head to the correct direction that is if Kallang is actually that accessible...
Badminton on Sunday was a pretty fun session though only 5 of us attended as Chan and myself seemed cursed to win a game even with EK & Karen were sniggering with their all fours, they are still capable of beating us...
As the rest left with Brother, I had a nice brunch with my wife at AMK once again as our objective was to grab a couple of Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream from Fair Price which in the end didn't materialize when the offer for 2 at a good price concluded... To requite our appetite for actual tasy ice cream we choose cheaper alternatives named Bud...
It was also the first time I noticed that the basement of the Hub is quite a myriad...
Back home my missus once again seemed sap of life like a few weeks back and just recharge herself with a nap while I began a movie marathon with the likes of "Nacho Libre", "Little Children", "The Holiday" & ending with "40 year Old Virgin"...plenty of Tinseltown in that line-up and a good mix of Jack Black & Kate Winslet...
After the fallout of last week's confrontation to BY by Shitty Green, we tried ignore him but he was not in sight for the entire which is just way perfect for us...
Argentina got beaten Brazil in the final of Copa America once again soundly by 3 goals to nil which drew my ire... Argentina was in the form of their life with a talented squad but still failed to beat their arch nemesis who always managed to perform when it matters...
There was a 6.6 earthquake that hit Niigata, Japan which puts a "wonderful" end to this Monday which supposed to have a firedrill conducted at my workplace but somebody obviously forgotten about it....
Not much thoughts this weekend which I spent entirely with the missus and the La Tendo gang...
A late night on Friday evening, we slept at 4 in the morning in fact accumulated lethargy for the wife as she decided to take a day off work to curb that irresistible Monday blues
Then again the barrage of calls from her office on Sunday was a killjoy for a day she had expect to just have a good work out with badminton and then another of the product outing with her side lines chums...
Weekend came early for us as for the 2nd night in a row, we headed to AMK central where our celebration for Ferris & EK s' birthdays were held at the K Box in Mac Center (if that was what the building was called)
The main birthday boy (a day belated nonetheless) came a bit late from work when the entire lot of us cuddled in a slightly cramped karaoke box as they had not reserved the biggest room for us...
We were shortly joined by Bryan and Chan from their own personal affairs preceding the crooning session...
The main focus was the Hi-Nu Gundam EK had done for Ferris while for a moment a few of us engaged fervently in a game of Mario Kart on our NDS linked by wi-fi...which I sucks big time...
As we worked our vocal chords till 3 am in the morning, we entertained ourselves with the song selection which spanned a good 30 years in Chinese pop history while the likes of Vincent, Miyano & Reedy hid in the other room offered for us with a non-stop English oldies session...

I do look fat in these pictures

The only place you'll see an orange Gundam...
We got out by noon and was adequately satisfied with our brunch comprised of Mom's famous curry chicken with plenty of potato pieces to appease our starch cravings...
Then we just hid out from the arid Saturday weather, procrastinating to hit town as the missus had to rendezvous with EK and Yanhui for the Jacky Cheung concert in the evening..
It turned out that Karen would be attending the concert as well as a free ticket from a male friend led us to raised eyebrows on that guy's intention...Seriously I wouldn't part a good $90+ on a concert ticket to a platonic female friend without a motive, but then that's me...
After dinner with the concert-going lot as well as Bryan who had loads of free time after his resignation from his mundane job, we hung out awhile at the store and chat about the future of this joint we had grew affections about over the years....
Expansion is the main way to go when the landlord uses unscruplous ways to snatch back the lease and utilize it for their own business which might bust eventually...
Now across the horizon is a unit twice as big as the current place in a boisterous shopping mall, opening hours of 10 to 10 everyday 7 days a week and probably more staff to support such torrid, punishing hours..but overall it will head to the correct direction that is if Kallang is actually that accessible...
Badminton on Sunday was a pretty fun session though only 5 of us attended as Chan and myself seemed cursed to win a game even with EK & Karen were sniggering with their all fours, they are still capable of beating us...
As the rest left with Brother, I had a nice brunch with my wife at AMK once again as our objective was to grab a couple of Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream from Fair Price which in the end didn't materialize when the offer for 2 at a good price concluded... To requite our appetite for actual tasy ice cream we choose cheaper alternatives named Bud...
It was also the first time I noticed that the basement of the Hub is quite a myriad...
Back home my missus once again seemed sap of life like a few weeks back and just recharge herself with a nap while I began a movie marathon with the likes of "Nacho Libre", "Little Children", "The Holiday" & ending with "40 year Old Virgin"...plenty of Tinseltown in that line-up and a good mix of Jack Black & Kate Winslet...
After the fallout of last week's confrontation to BY by Shitty Green, we tried ignore him but he was not in sight for the entire which is just way perfect for us...
Argentina got beaten Brazil in the final of Copa America once again soundly by 3 goals to nil which drew my ire... Argentina was in the form of their life with a talented squad but still failed to beat their arch nemesis who always managed to perform when it matters...
There was a 6.6 earthquake that hit Niigata, Japan which puts a "wonderful" end to this Monday which supposed to have a firedrill conducted at my workplace but somebody obviously forgotten about it....
Japanese word of the day: しなびた ~shi-na-bi-ta~ (Sapped) I think my badminton enthics totally sapped my wife out of life...
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