
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ich spreche deutsch!

23rd June 2005, Thursday

I was totally engrossed with the latest development in the manga version of One Piece about the truth behind Frank (Fran Cutty) and Iceburg and why CP9 of the government is in hot pursuit of them for the blueprint of a deadly weapon that could annihilate all oppositions the government might face (i.e. the pirates)
I even gave up some slumber time during my journey to work for it...

The main feature of JxMMy's 1001 gimmicks for today is:

He sent an email to one of our German collaborater, the younger one called Stefan, asking him to do his routine online submission for the plates he had delivered for our completion, and he wrote:

Könnten Sie den Probennamen für die oben Erwähnung plattiert online eintragen? Vielen Dank.

Which after translated by some web-based translator like Alta Vista-Babelfish Translator would actually mean:

Would you know the sample name for those mention above plate on-line to register? Thank you.

As you can see the online translator really suck in sentence structure as I use pretty regularly myself for some Japanese translation especially on single words or phases, instead of full sentences or paragraphs which make no simple sense at all, therefore I think what he was trying to convey was to enquire whether he would be doing the online submission for the above-mentioned plates...

I think the objective behind his little gimmick today was to have some fun with Stefan (that from a stoic, mundane introvert like him was a pretty long shot) but when I (been the conniving, back stabbing assfreak as I am) forwarded to the girls, they were totally unamused and bewildered by what the entire point was...

I feel if his message was not translated properly into German and eventually turned out to be a joke, he would be just embarrassing himself...

However not JxMMy, with his status high on the pedestal here, he could smear his face with faeces , ran naked around the institute while singing along to the tune of "Happy Tree Friends", people would still think it's perfectly fine and continue to shower much more adorations...

Japanese word of the day: かこい~ka-ko-i~ (Cool) JxMMy ain't cool, he's simply hot, well at least to the hordes of fans who adore him....


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