"Gorudan Wiku wa.."
31st October 2005, Monday
First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
We don't celebrate such a morbid holiday in Singapore unless I am into cosplay/ costume party at some happening pub/club/ discotheque...but that wouldn't be my forte anyway...
Struggling to wake up on time this morning for work especially without my mom's "human alarm clock" function...
No hot mug of instant coffee with sumptous breakfast to freshen me up after another toiling weekend, instead just Post's "Banana Nut Crunch" cereal with Marigold HL milk for me to gobble down as soon as I could to vamoose towards Bouna Vista in your usual hectic Monday Madness Morning...
I was really lucky to just dodge the rain as I enter my workplace...
So how did I spent my weekend without my parents around...pretty much the same as the week before...I managed to complete watching the 1st season of "Lost" and boy what an intriguing ending which had many open-ended notes for viewers to crave upon before the next season (anyway it is already into the 5th episode of the 2nd season in the States now)...
Things like:
- What is inside the hatch that Jack & the rest blasted open?
- Who are these "the others" on the island? Do they actually exist?
- Who are the people who kidnapped Walt, Micheal's son?
- Will Jin, Sawyer & Micheal survive from the attack on the sea?
- Will Charlie be succumbed to the allure of heroine he found from the wreckage of the plane?
- What's the real deal with the "French chick", Danielle?
- Will Said & Shannon actually make out in the coming season?
I can wait for the answers myself but i felt it would be much better going on marathon to complete seasons by seasons..but since the show is showing like once every fornight in the States, i would need like another 40 weeks before the season 2 would come to an end...bummer...
Anyway the strong characterization and witty dialogues beside all the mind-boggling mysteries shrouding this island really make you hook on to the series and no one character is unlikable from the wise John Locke to the gritty Said to the charismatic Jack to the confused Charlie to the sexy Kate to slutty Shanon and the whiny Claire....
I used to really dislike Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) but he is a man trapped in such painful situation, you can't help but to empathize the way he handles his wife and everyone else...
But my fave is..no not the rolly-polly Hurley with his cursed set of numbers but Sawyer...yah...he rocks man...perhaps been a big fan of WWE made me into such anti-hero type of guy..and that unspoken triangle between himself, Kate and Jack sure filled the TV screen with so much tension, as McDonald's would say... "I'm Loving It...."
I had mentioned that this week is an unprecendented "Golden Week" for working Singaporeans if you are willing to take 3 days of your annual paid leave, you can enjoy a full 9 days off...which many would binge on and fly/sail/drive off to a short escapade which people like Ferris, YM and my parents had done...
Back in the year 2000 when me and my wreckers buddies went for our trip to Hiroshima, my Japanese won't as that jyozuu (good...not that it's THAT good now anyway) but that talkative side of me just could not contain itself and I made that passing comment that would haunt me forever...
I was trying to inform TW's host family that a lot of Japanese would actually travel to Singapore for a tour during their own golden week (actually not a supported fact anyway)
It goes like this:
"Golden Weeku wa a lot of Nihon jin (Japanese) ga Singaporu de iimasu (or did I say arimasu)"
Man...it makes no complete sense at all but miraclously they understood (or pretended to understand me to shut me up)
So that's a blast from the past for me...heehee
Back at work today, I got a nice birthday gift from my supervisor (as anticipated)... under wrapped, it looks like an envelope..so I presumed it was vouchers...phew..sure beat some weird clothings that the girls dreaded (I myself had received a couple of shirt which the statement "not my style" would be even too kind)
The gift wrapping wasn't too intricate and neither was my unwrapping skill..but I was glad to find out that it was an envelope containing 4 vouchers fo Golden Village movie tickets...
Which means it entitled me 2 movie date with my lass from now till May 2006...I'm guessing one would be the highly-anticipated "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and the other one would either be "King Kong" or "Chronicle of Narnia"...
The usual Monday morning routine kept me pretty busy plus some stuff I needed to do on behalf of the absent YM and Lance; then JxMMy had to shadily drifted over and "advised" me not to do something as some problem with the machine on Friday and that since I had cleared the database of the machines, he could not re-retrieve the samples of some affected users...oh great I don't usually do the clearing of database but when I do this happened and gave JxMMy to piss my morning off...but fortunately not enough to ruin my day...
Like myself Bobby is actually looking forward to the consecutive days of rest; but surprise surprise, Mr JxMMy D won't be taking Wednesday and Friday off...which is his usual way to plan his ample amount of leave around public holidays...
I was informed by Bobby that the Monash Uni girl I mentioned days back that was here for job interview actually had decided to sign on (is job market really that bad?!)
Then Bobby raised the concern on whether ths girl is pretty looking which BY rebuked that it should be the fact she can work efficiently should be the main priority...
Sorry girl, I'm with Bob this time... firstly I most probably won't work with her, secondly even if she ruined everything, we always had the budget for her to start all over again..
Therefore I really wouldn't mind a nice eye candy to make working life a bit more colorful (cos JxMMy already darkens much of it)
Lastly BY was saying she need to write out a wishlist of what we could give her if we chosen her name for the X'mas Gift Exchange we played yearly... hmmm...which dawns on me..it's that time of the year again...what should I get for my lass? and do I have the budget for it...
Sigh..anyway at the meantime let me busk in the carefree 72 hours to follow...
First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
We don't celebrate such a morbid holiday in Singapore unless I am into cosplay/ costume party at some happening pub/club/ discotheque...but that wouldn't be my forte anyway...
Struggling to wake up on time this morning for work especially without my mom's "human alarm clock" function...
No hot mug of instant coffee with sumptous breakfast to freshen me up after another toiling weekend, instead just Post's "Banana Nut Crunch" cereal with Marigold HL milk for me to gobble down as soon as I could to vamoose towards Bouna Vista in your usual hectic Monday Madness Morning...
I was really lucky to just dodge the rain as I enter my workplace...
So how did I spent my weekend without my parents around...pretty much the same as the week before...I managed to complete watching the 1st season of "Lost" and boy what an intriguing ending which had many open-ended notes for viewers to crave upon before the next season (anyway it is already into the 5th episode of the 2nd season in the States now)...
Things like:
- What is inside the hatch that Jack & the rest blasted open?
- Who are these "the others" on the island? Do they actually exist?
- Who are the people who kidnapped Walt, Micheal's son?
- Will Jin, Sawyer & Micheal survive from the attack on the sea?
- Will Charlie be succumbed to the allure of heroine he found from the wreckage of the plane?
- What's the real deal with the "French chick", Danielle?
- Will Said & Shannon actually make out in the coming season?
I can wait for the answers myself but i felt it would be much better going on marathon to complete seasons by seasons..but since the show is showing like once every fornight in the States, i would need like another 40 weeks before the season 2 would come to an end...bummer...
Anyway the strong characterization and witty dialogues beside all the mind-boggling mysteries shrouding this island really make you hook on to the series and no one character is unlikable from the wise John Locke to the gritty Said to the charismatic Jack to the confused Charlie to the sexy Kate to slutty Shanon and the whiny Claire....
I used to really dislike Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) but he is a man trapped in such painful situation, you can't help but to empathize the way he handles his wife and everyone else...
But my fave is..no not the rolly-polly Hurley with his cursed set of numbers but Sawyer...yah...he rocks man...perhaps been a big fan of WWE made me into such anti-hero type of guy..and that unspoken triangle between himself, Kate and Jack sure filled the TV screen with so much tension, as McDonald's would say... "I'm Loving It...."
I had mentioned that this week is an unprecendented "Golden Week" for working Singaporeans if you are willing to take 3 days of your annual paid leave, you can enjoy a full 9 days off...which many would binge on and fly/sail/drive off to a short escapade which people like Ferris, YM and my parents had done...
Back in the year 2000 when me and my wreckers buddies went for our trip to Hiroshima, my Japanese won't as that jyozuu (good...not that it's THAT good now anyway) but that talkative side of me just could not contain itself and I made that passing comment that would haunt me forever...
I was trying to inform TW's host family that a lot of Japanese would actually travel to Singapore for a tour during their own golden week (actually not a supported fact anyway)
It goes like this:
"Golden Weeku wa a lot of Nihon jin (Japanese) ga Singaporu de iimasu (or did I say arimasu)"
Man...it makes no complete sense at all but miraclously they understood (or pretended to understand me to shut me up)
So that's a blast from the past for me...heehee
Back at work today, I got a nice birthday gift from my supervisor (as anticipated)... under wrapped, it looks like an envelope..so I presumed it was vouchers...phew..sure beat some weird clothings that the girls dreaded (I myself had received a couple of shirt which the statement "not my style" would be even too kind)
The gift wrapping wasn't too intricate and neither was my unwrapping skill..but I was glad to find out that it was an envelope containing 4 vouchers fo Golden Village movie tickets...
Which means it entitled me 2 movie date with my lass from now till May 2006...I'm guessing one would be the highly-anticipated "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and the other one would either be "King Kong" or "Chronicle of Narnia"...
The usual Monday morning routine kept me pretty busy plus some stuff I needed to do on behalf of the absent YM and Lance; then JxMMy had to shadily drifted over and "advised" me not to do something as some problem with the machine on Friday and that since I had cleared the database of the machines, he could not re-retrieve the samples of some affected users...oh great I don't usually do the clearing of database but when I do this happened and gave JxMMy to piss my morning off...but fortunately not enough to ruin my day...
Like myself Bobby is actually looking forward to the consecutive days of rest; but surprise surprise, Mr JxMMy D won't be taking Wednesday and Friday off...which is his usual way to plan his ample amount of leave around public holidays...
I was informed by Bobby that the Monash Uni girl I mentioned days back that was here for job interview actually had decided to sign on (is job market really that bad?!)
Then Bobby raised the concern on whether ths girl is pretty looking which BY rebuked that it should be the fact she can work efficiently should be the main priority...
Sorry girl, I'm with Bob this time... firstly I most probably won't work with her, secondly even if she ruined everything, we always had the budget for her to start all over again..
Therefore I really wouldn't mind a nice eye candy to make working life a bit more colorful (cos JxMMy already darkens much of it)
Lastly BY was saying she need to write out a wishlist of what we could give her if we chosen her name for the X'mas Gift Exchange we played yearly... hmmm...which dawns on me..it's that time of the year again...what should I get for my lass? and do I have the budget for it...
Sigh..anyway at the meantime let me busk in the carefree 72 hours to follow...
Japanese word of the day: 休み~ya-su-mi~ (Holiday) We are going on a summer holiday...and I am the Peter Pan of pop...yada yada
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