Here's to the past 17 years...
14th November 2005, Mon
Back to Changi Naval Base to finish up my ICT and we met up with the warrant officer in charge, Bryner whom we always had fun talking cock with and it is imminent that he would move on from his current post which would be missed by many like myself who would constantly be returning for reservist in the future.
Always great to start off Monday, without the requirement to wake up in the wee hours and suffer the mad Monday mad-rush to work as a fellow NS-man, Quah who stayed from a throwing distance from me gave me a ride to CNB at around 7 plus as it really doesn't matter if we are late or not...
After the morning debrief in which we took the opportunity to highlight some usual fralities during the 5 day sailing we had last week & Bryner plan was to finish up whatever left in our stint today including a presentation of medal to a couple of guys in the group and give a full day off tomorrow. However it was thwarted by his officer in charge who is apparently from a different wavelength as Bryner and the rest of us is adamant to keep to the plan of coming back tomorrow to the constant moaning and groaning from us...Too bad Bryner is just a 1WO and he is facing a Major..ranks count in the force as they say...
However the day routine was cut short deliberately and we were released at around 2 plus and I managed to reach home in less than an hour time..woohoo...
Spent the bulk of my Sunday just watching some Japanese variety programs as well as the latest episode of "Lost" which we see the death of one active member of the cast...Good riddance anyway but to some perhaps it's a terrible lost of eye-candy source...guess who I am talking not Kate...go figure
I had a long overdued catch up with my buddy on the MSN as we tried to catch up on our well beings for the past 1 month or so...
He is now busy with work as well as a personal side project and he enquired when my wedding would actually be held and wondered he would be able to make it back for it...though I wanted to tell him that I am expecting him to be my best man but with his nature with respect to such commitment which he could not be sure to fulfill, so I did not really brought it out..But if you are reading this, please do not be pressure by the offer...will definitely let you know the exact date and see whether you can work your schedule by then before giving me the final answer..
We first talk about stuff like his newly acquired investment of PS2 and games which burnt a big hole in his pocket as well as how people view otakuism these days, pretty much our usual belittling of ourselves as usual...Then followed by the usual anime focus which we very much bashed "Gundam Seed" to the point it is worthless which would incur the wrath of the horde of the loyal fans of the series if they are known of it..
Then we took things down into the memory lane as we recollect the past 6000 over days we had known each other, which began way back in 1988 when we are still in our primary four like destiny was set in the stars or crap like that and we stick onto each other ever since like strong adhesive, in such drastic fashion that our parents thought we are gay partners, fortunately we did not degrade into such a malaise..heehee
There could be several stages in our lives that drift us apart such as parting Secondary School days but somehow we always manage to hook up often that we managed to make friends to each other friends and the friendship was well bolstered...
It would actually take days to relate the crap stories we had cooked up in our past history but somehow when we are together we could always think of the most absurd stuff to say and transform the most ordinary personality characters we had encountered in our lives into some of the most interesting beings from another planet altogether...
But surely it was a blast, and though we are well seperated by physical distance over the past few years when he was first further his education in Canada and now in his attachment in Osaka, Japan; he mentioned we can still jolly well connect and when we met when I was there in Osaka in August, he felt that sense of familiarity like he had met me only days before...
We both agreed it's hard to find a buddy for 10 years, let alone one that is close to 20 we definitely had to cherish it and for me personally I rarely keep contact with many friends over the years, so if you are one I am constantly in touch with, count yourself fortunate (or unfortunate)...
Well it was great to feel that sense of nostalgia especially for him who always tends to look into the future and tomorrow rather than got stuck in the past....
Before I sign off this post, I was taken aback to hear the news of the sudden passing of one of the talented WWE superstar, Eddie Guerrero who died of heart failure in his hotel room in Minnesota. He was such a humble worker and always there to entertain the fans and push his comrades into the spotlight on his own expense... His passing would be greatly miss...

Rest in Peace, Eddie, and thanks for the memories...
Back to Changi Naval Base to finish up my ICT and we met up with the warrant officer in charge, Bryner whom we always had fun talking cock with and it is imminent that he would move on from his current post which would be missed by many like myself who would constantly be returning for reservist in the future.
Always great to start off Monday, without the requirement to wake up in the wee hours and suffer the mad Monday mad-rush to work as a fellow NS-man, Quah who stayed from a throwing distance from me gave me a ride to CNB at around 7 plus as it really doesn't matter if we are late or not...
After the morning debrief in which we took the opportunity to highlight some usual fralities during the 5 day sailing we had last week & Bryner plan was to finish up whatever left in our stint today including a presentation of medal to a couple of guys in the group and give a full day off tomorrow. However it was thwarted by his officer in charge who is apparently from a different wavelength as Bryner and the rest of us is adamant to keep to the plan of coming back tomorrow to the constant moaning and groaning from us...Too bad Bryner is just a 1WO and he is facing a Major..ranks count in the force as they say...
However the day routine was cut short deliberately and we were released at around 2 plus and I managed to reach home in less than an hour time..woohoo...
Spent the bulk of my Sunday just watching some Japanese variety programs as well as the latest episode of "Lost" which we see the death of one active member of the cast...Good riddance anyway but to some perhaps it's a terrible lost of eye-candy source...guess who I am talking not Kate...go figure
I had a long overdued catch up with my buddy on the MSN as we tried to catch up on our well beings for the past 1 month or so...
He is now busy with work as well as a personal side project and he enquired when my wedding would actually be held and wondered he would be able to make it back for it...though I wanted to tell him that I am expecting him to be my best man but with his nature with respect to such commitment which he could not be sure to fulfill, so I did not really brought it out..But if you are reading this, please do not be pressure by the offer...will definitely let you know the exact date and see whether you can work your schedule by then before giving me the final answer..
We first talk about stuff like his newly acquired investment of PS2 and games which burnt a big hole in his pocket as well as how people view otakuism these days, pretty much our usual belittling of ourselves as usual...Then followed by the usual anime focus which we very much bashed "Gundam Seed" to the point it is worthless which would incur the wrath of the horde of the loyal fans of the series if they are known of it..
Then we took things down into the memory lane as we recollect the past 6000 over days we had known each other, which began way back in 1988 when we are still in our primary four like destiny was set in the stars or crap like that and we stick onto each other ever since like strong adhesive, in such drastic fashion that our parents thought we are gay partners, fortunately we did not degrade into such a malaise..heehee
There could be several stages in our lives that drift us apart such as parting Secondary School days but somehow we always manage to hook up often that we managed to make friends to each other friends and the friendship was well bolstered...
It would actually take days to relate the crap stories we had cooked up in our past history but somehow when we are together we could always think of the most absurd stuff to say and transform the most ordinary personality characters we had encountered in our lives into some of the most interesting beings from another planet altogether...
But surely it was a blast, and though we are well seperated by physical distance over the past few years when he was first further his education in Canada and now in his attachment in Osaka, Japan; he mentioned we can still jolly well connect and when we met when I was there in Osaka in August, he felt that sense of familiarity like he had met me only days before...
We both agreed it's hard to find a buddy for 10 years, let alone one that is close to 20 we definitely had to cherish it and for me personally I rarely keep contact with many friends over the years, so if you are one I am constantly in touch with, count yourself fortunate (or unfortunate)...
Well it was great to feel that sense of nostalgia especially for him who always tends to look into the future and tomorrow rather than got stuck in the past....
Before I sign off this post, I was taken aback to hear the news of the sudden passing of one of the talented WWE superstar, Eddie Guerrero who died of heart failure in his hotel room in Minnesota. He was such a humble worker and always there to entertain the fans and push his comrades into the spotlight on his own expense... His passing would be greatly miss...

Rest in Peace, Eddie, and thanks for the memories...
Japanese word of the day: 子供の時 ~ko-do-mo-no-toki~ (Childhood) We had such a blast for our growing up process since our childhood days
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