
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Continue that Inauspicious Trend

2nd January 2008, Wednesday

The mood for work is stifling at best especially with the long break.. BY conveniently took an extra day of rest with her usual running nose problem while the great thing is no sight of the Beautiful One...perhaps buried in the snow of Hokkaido, naked with his hubby....
I'll just assimilate myself smoothly into the work mode, back to my prime before I left for my hiatus though it was nearly impossible without BY who was supposed to process a plate of samples for me prior to my ignition...
Talking about smooth transition, as expected, I needed a bit of time to get back to running a full 20 minutes on the threadmill once again...

As the title implies, the first day of 2008 continued the same old trend prominent in 2007 which had chronically plagued my peaceful everyday life...
Days before I played a DVD (let's just say I got what I deserved for watching a bootleg) and was flabbergasted by how frequent the scenes skipped...
But I am one to not concede defeat with my technological tools' malfunction and kept repeating the taking out of disc, wipe the surface clean & replay sequences till the disc seemed unplayable...
I didn't felt it was down to my five and a half years old home theater system till when the missus wanna catch a Japanese dorama while doing something else then I discovered the DVD player just couldn't play a disc no more...regardless it being authentic, ripped, bootleg or mere CD...
She kept insisting that the laser head reader(if that is what you call it) being clouted with dust accumulated over the years and suggested we get those cleaner kit...
I do hope the problem lies in that and not that the part just die on me like many other gadgets of mine over the past year...namely:

Obituary of the Unfortunate Dead Gadgets
  1. My Canon Ixus Digital Camera - the death was well documented and much grieved about... My wife's Nikon Coolpix was a capable replacement and somehow I am more inclined for better photography that is if I have more stable handling of course.
  2. My audiotechnica headphones - Bought in February, busted around 6 months later..Have to blame more rough handling again...Doubt I'll waste anymore money on new headphones anytime soon till come the new Japan trip I supposed..heehee
  3. PC - It's been a year in the making and the auto shutting down finally caught on my nerves and I was glad CS had isolated the problem and the resolution should be in the matter of days I hope...
  4. The Wireless router - Served us for a good 4 years or so, and we thought it would last forever but a few occurrences of cutting off the broadband connection was followed by the ultimate death before the replacement came in days ago...
  5. My missus' Canon Digital Viewcam - CS wanted to borrow from us for his Krabi trip and prompted us to check on if after not touching it since our wedding..Somehow the DV tape loader is stuck or something..Fortunately we can use SD card for replacement...not that we take much home video these days also
There you have it..a year full of gadgetry misfortunes for yours truly who truly would be gutted when my tools are down without rhymes or reasons and it just burnt in the back of mind to resolve the issues and I would not sleep well at night when I do...

I do hope I can salvage my home theater system and this ill-boding curse will put to an end... Then perhaps its time to get a Playstation 3 to double up as a high quality blu-ray-DVD player? heehee

On a chirpier note, the air tickets for the February trip has been secured and overheard on the news on radio this morning that the brand new Terminal 3 would be in operation from the 9th this month and with Singapore Airlines as their main tenant and will shift some of their operation including direct flights to Japan, it seems highly likely we will be departing from there...

Japanese word of the day: 不運(Unfortunate)Oh yeah not to forget my watches..but it's more like a battery flat issue



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