May's Fool?!
3rd May 2004, Tuesday
Back to work after a pretty hefty weekend incorporated with the Labour Day holiday (nothing to do with giving birth actually)...
Yesterday while in my pursuit for accolades and awards in my Football Managerial stint, I was tuning in to Class 95 FM, and the unfateful harbinger of sad news had to be Vernetta Lopez who annouced the passing away of a former President of Singapore, Dr. Wee Kim Wee.
Since I started to acknowledge the presence of a president in Singapore, he was the one , holding that amicable role and surely is the "People's President"... His passing away sure is sad news that engulf the entire island in grief.. The daily national anthem at 6 am in the morning today only showed our national flag in half mast while the Singapore Symphonial Ochestra playing the solemn note...
Back to work, had to get myself into that Monday morning frenzy momentum so as to finish up the usual "after the weekend" routines as promptly as possible so that i can do my usual "surfing"...
Overheard from the radio that today is the annual "Play a Prank on your colleague" day (yes there's a day dedicated to every single thing people do, we have 365 days so should be enough to spread around)...
The DJs on the morning shift started buzzing their afternoon/night colleagues who most probably struggling to wake up and disclose a news that the victims thought they had failed to do...
It was always interesting to play a prank on some unknowing parties but as for colleagues, it is not advisable as you never know whether they are fellow Scorpios like myself who would "forgive, but never forget"
Don't forget colleagues are the ones you see day in day out, and if you have some bad blood with them (like mine with JxMMy D), the tension and the animosity can be pretty life-threatening!
Anyway I decided to play a prank on the girls...
Actually not in conjunction with today, but on Saturday, Ferris sent me a one of those "FWD:" emails which was attached with a movie file of a British car advertisement which claimed to be snipped before even making in to the viewers because of a white mist that looked seemingly like some supernatural entity and streamed pass the car in the ad as it cruised around the highway...
The mail also stated that the sound quality is pretty bleak, so might have to tune up the speaker as you watch it...
Normally curiosity kills the cat, & upon closer investigation whether if there is a passing ghostly mist,a creature which resembles possessed girl in the Excorcist appeared from the corner of the screen out the blue and howls at the viewer...
I was shrieking like a wuss when I first watched the clip as well, and it sure made my heart pounded extra hard to calm those nerves untwined in me...
The ending of the clip is those typical, "You should be working instead of watching this"...
At that point you really don't whether to laugh or cry...
So knowing the girls had a thing for such like of supernatural hoax, I forwared the clip to them and true enough it severely petrify YM, the one who is most prone to such scares... and they are watching without any sound... so you can only wonder what if the speaker was on full blast....
Well I just had my cheeky snigger in the end....heehee
Meanwhile our neighbouring lab with a P.I. we know as "Xiao Li Cang Dao" (笑裏藏刀)who has always been eyeing on our already limited lab space, went to lodge a complain to the deputy director that our stuffs stored in the shared support room had contanminated his tissue culture... and been the usual "push around" we concede his claims and had to move to another spot.. this really angered my supervisor as well as the girls, seem like this is the biggest prank pulled on them for today...
Meanwhile Eddy's Bubblemunche blog has been hacked by a prankster which immobilised his site with just "I am sorry"...I think Eddy would continute to whine about why his life is so wretched...
Dad also had a big prank pulled on him as he accidentally slip from his work site and sorely hurt his left rib cage area...
Back to work after a pretty hefty weekend incorporated with the Labour Day holiday (nothing to do with giving birth actually)...
Yesterday while in my pursuit for accolades and awards in my Football Managerial stint, I was tuning in to Class 95 FM, and the unfateful harbinger of sad news had to be Vernetta Lopez who annouced the passing away of a former President of Singapore, Dr. Wee Kim Wee.
Since I started to acknowledge the presence of a president in Singapore, he was the one , holding that amicable role and surely is the "People's President"... His passing away sure is sad news that engulf the entire island in grief.. The daily national anthem at 6 am in the morning today only showed our national flag in half mast while the Singapore Symphonial Ochestra playing the solemn note...
Back to work, had to get myself into that Monday morning frenzy momentum so as to finish up the usual "after the weekend" routines as promptly as possible so that i can do my usual "surfing"...
Overheard from the radio that today is the annual "Play a Prank on your colleague" day (yes there's a day dedicated to every single thing people do, we have 365 days so should be enough to spread around)...
The DJs on the morning shift started buzzing their afternoon/night colleagues who most probably struggling to wake up and disclose a news that the victims thought they had failed to do...
It was always interesting to play a prank on some unknowing parties but as for colleagues, it is not advisable as you never know whether they are fellow Scorpios like myself who would "forgive, but never forget"
Don't forget colleagues are the ones you see day in day out, and if you have some bad blood with them (like mine with JxMMy D), the tension and the animosity can be pretty life-threatening!
Anyway I decided to play a prank on the girls...
Actually not in conjunction with today, but on Saturday, Ferris sent me a one of those "FWD:" emails which was attached with a movie file of a British car advertisement which claimed to be snipped before even making in to the viewers because of a white mist that looked seemingly like some supernatural entity and streamed pass the car in the ad as it cruised around the highway...
The mail also stated that the sound quality is pretty bleak, so might have to tune up the speaker as you watch it...
Normally curiosity kills the cat, & upon closer investigation whether if there is a passing ghostly mist,a creature which resembles possessed girl in the Excorcist appeared from the corner of the screen out the blue and howls at the viewer...
I was shrieking like a wuss when I first watched the clip as well, and it sure made my heart pounded extra hard to calm those nerves untwined in me...
The ending of the clip is those typical, "You should be working instead of watching this"...
At that point you really don't whether to laugh or cry...
So knowing the girls had a thing for such like of supernatural hoax, I forwared the clip to them and true enough it severely petrify YM, the one who is most prone to such scares... and they are watching without any sound... so you can only wonder what if the speaker was on full blast....
Well I just had my cheeky snigger in the end....heehee
Meanwhile our neighbouring lab with a P.I. we know as "Xiao Li Cang Dao" (笑裏藏刀)who has always been eyeing on our already limited lab space, went to lodge a complain to the deputy director that our stuffs stored in the shared support room had contanminated his tissue culture... and been the usual "push around" we concede his claims and had to move to another spot.. this really angered my supervisor as well as the girls, seem like this is the biggest prank pulled on them for today...
Meanwhile Eddy's Bubblemunche blog has been hacked by a prankster which immobilised his site with just "I am sorry"...I think Eddy would continute to whine about why his life is so wretched...
Dad also had a big prank pulled on him as he accidentally slip from his work site and sorely hurt his left rib cage area...
Japanese word of the day: いたずら ~ita-zura~ (a prank pulled) Not to pull one even when it is April the 1st
... you sure it's just a prank from a hacker ? Sure sounds like a blogicide with that tone ... let's hope that you're right ...
Lam's Creation, at 2:54 AM
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