
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Drifting Around...

17th November 2005, Thursday

A true tropical storm which persisted throughout the evening woke most of the people heading to work up as it was once again inconvenient to manuveour under the beating of the torrential rain as well staying off the track of prospective lightning strike as it was a clear Category 1 type of weather as I forged my way to work...

For most of the morning, I basically just "drifted" around for a couple of meetings..first of which is the X'mas Party gathering which the Old Hag had changed the system to pick the unfortunate bunch of lab technicians from picking from the freshmen but rather allocate one from each lab to form tne committee. Therefore I am not the only veteran that was present for the meeting and eventually volunteered my service in the "Gift Exchange" part which I supposed should be the easiest of all the assignments..

Then I went for a safety meeting for the shared facilities side which actually I need not attend but it was refreshing to actually meet different group of people with a totally different style of working...
Therefore I am always keeping an option if they wanted to lure me over to join them as long as the terms are correct...

I had a lunch clandestine with YM & BY over at Andorra's within our work area which serve pretty sumptous pasta set lunch. Obviously BY is bouying with her new work and was very persistant for me to send my CV to her company with a high possibility of jumping ship.
I had a serious thought and felt a longing to change a new environment especially the way she is selling her company with all the nice amenities and people actually been treated with respect there. For me the down point would be adjusting to the few things I had been enjoying thus far (flexible working hour, great boss etc) and there would not be a hike of gross pay.
However I'm getting more and more sick of accomodating to JxMMy (2 years late I'm afraid) and his ominpresence in the lab is dominating and to a point of suffocation.
WIth YM leaving by early next year, I feel I might not have the same rapport with the newbies (Bobby & Triana) as they are really too new and I'm not sure I would be ready to guide as well
But overall perhaps I had reached a plateau in my career path and the current state does not excite me no more...
We'll see I guess but time to compose a really decorative cover letter just in case ...

With the fact that my lass would most probably be working throughout X'mas, I was thinking of beckoning my colleagues (present and past, excluding JxMMy of cos) over my place for a mini potluck celebration which is good to catch up for those who have left (like LF & BY) as well as for the new ones to mingle around...perhaps something to look forward to...

Got some new scoop about the new girl, Triana (as in three--a--na). She is an Indonesian Chinese formerly of TPJC, and had her education in SG all these years, no wonder she looks and behaves no much different from any SGeans. But her time at Monash down under sure bestowed her an edge over the local graduates like myself... She seems like a pretty "happening" person who is into clubbing as well, no wonder she is so "clicked" with Lance...
Japanese word of the day:変わるべき願い ~ka-wa-ru-be-ki-ne-ga-i~ (Wish for a change) perhaps in the work environment


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