Idol for the Hungry Ghost Festival
13th July 2006, Thursday
It's return of the "acid tongue" gang...
I know it's blasphemous to say bad things about people especially complete strangers we don't know at all...
But leading a routine and mundane life like ours, sometime I think unleashing a bit of acid from our comments surely do spice up our lives especially with the "Queen of Acid Tongue" herself, BY in the vicinity...
Scary, Scanty Auntie (SSA)
There is this particular auntie or middle-age lady working in one of the buildings around our workplace and we have been fixated with the way she dressed herself since we always encounter her presence on the way to work or knocking off...
With curly locks and thick make-up, she would strudded around in stilettoes and barely covering her aged body with much clothings...despite it would be gale and storm outside and impressively she would balance herself in her elevated footwear...
Her scanty wardrobe would include a bikini top under a translucent table cloth just yesterday...
But she would ornament herslef with showy and flamboyant accesories which she thought she would tastefully match with similar colored attire and heels and believe me, she sure has a full collection of heels with full spectrum of color you would find in Adobe Photoshop...
So you have a well-clowned up office lady (sometime in absurd tiger stripes) hoping to recieve some attention from passerbys but she was least glad to be glare upon...
There were a bunch of teenage boys with raging hormones always on prowl for docile beings to peruse on, but the presence of SSA surely kills their appetite as once and for all as it really happened before...
Surely there weren't be anything to stop SSA expressing herself but will continue to bring unnecessary scorn and scrowl from us included...
I think I had mentioned a couple of months back as I described the people frequenting the gym as myself...
There was this scantily-clad jogger who now simply known as "G-String" now as from BY she would strip herself to just her G-string while changing for her workout session in the female changing room while most ladies would reserve their modesty in the cubicle...
Often she would flash her "anterior buns" towards my colleague and she did not fancy that a single bit...
Then as we went for our work-out today, "G-String" appeared once again, sweating it out (though no pearl of perspiration seen) on the threadmill and her usual routine would follow by warm down on the mat and some weight-lifting...
She would place her mat near the weights and I suggested perhaps it is her way to flaunt her assets (if she has any to begin with) to the guys pumping it out at that area...
Then while BY was doing her bicep curls today, she had a closer observation of her facial features and she was quick to point out how "hideous" she looks.. abit bad but I must agree with her though I had never dare to lay a single look at her face ever once before...
Well with the Month of the Hungry Ghost arriving in a matter of weeks, some people are already scaring me stiff on the TV these days...
"Rockstar: Supernova" had been going on for a fornight now and I had not been too impressed by this new competition as compared to the first one...
But there is this particular lady contestant though I can't been to certain about her/his actual gender...
Dilana with her face piercings, maschera and body tattoos might be a long lost brother/sister to Tommy Lee...

But when she sang with her deep, coarse, masculine voice Nirvana's "Lithium" last week, I thought I had seen the malevolent protagonist of M. Night Shyamalam's new film, "Lady in the Water"
It was disturbing but not enough to give me nightmares like a prospective Singapore Idol for this year...
This chap known as Paul Twohill, with his feminine facial shape, fringe that totally covers his left eye and a mouth that resembles the crypt-keeper from "Tales of the Crypt" and the braces surely make it look more obnoxious...
It is more of being loathesome rather than scary....
I know I was a big fan of Japanese visual kei rock stars who at times not advisable to be seen by old people with pacemakers in their hearts or young children...but this so-called emotional rocker just does not make a cut for me...
I don't even want to have his face to grace my blog...
But with the Hungry Ghost Festival around the corner, perhaps he would gain an upper hand and win the Idol never's a crazy world out there...
It's return of the "acid tongue" gang...
I know it's blasphemous to say bad things about people especially complete strangers we don't know at all...
But leading a routine and mundane life like ours, sometime I think unleashing a bit of acid from our comments surely do spice up our lives especially with the "Queen of Acid Tongue" herself, BY in the vicinity...
Scary, Scanty Auntie (SSA)
There is this particular auntie or middle-age lady working in one of the buildings around our workplace and we have been fixated with the way she dressed herself since we always encounter her presence on the way to work or knocking off...
With curly locks and thick make-up, she would strudded around in stilettoes and barely covering her aged body with much clothings...despite it would be gale and storm outside and impressively she would balance herself in her elevated footwear...
Her scanty wardrobe would include a bikini top under a translucent table cloth just yesterday...
But she would ornament herslef with showy and flamboyant accesories which she thought she would tastefully match with similar colored attire and heels and believe me, she sure has a full collection of heels with full spectrum of color you would find in Adobe Photoshop...
So you have a well-clowned up office lady (sometime in absurd tiger stripes) hoping to recieve some attention from passerbys but she was least glad to be glare upon...
There were a bunch of teenage boys with raging hormones always on prowl for docile beings to peruse on, but the presence of SSA surely kills their appetite as once and for all as it really happened before...
Surely there weren't be anything to stop SSA expressing herself but will continue to bring unnecessary scorn and scrowl from us included...
I think I had mentioned a couple of months back as I described the people frequenting the gym as myself...
There was this scantily-clad jogger who now simply known as "G-String" now as from BY she would strip herself to just her G-string while changing for her workout session in the female changing room while most ladies would reserve their modesty in the cubicle...
Often she would flash her "anterior buns" towards my colleague and she did not fancy that a single bit...
Then as we went for our work-out today, "G-String" appeared once again, sweating it out (though no pearl of perspiration seen) on the threadmill and her usual routine would follow by warm down on the mat and some weight-lifting...
She would place her mat near the weights and I suggested perhaps it is her way to flaunt her assets (if she has any to begin with) to the guys pumping it out at that area...
Then while BY was doing her bicep curls today, she had a closer observation of her facial features and she was quick to point out how "hideous" she looks.. abit bad but I must agree with her though I had never dare to lay a single look at her face ever once before...
Well with the Month of the Hungry Ghost arriving in a matter of weeks, some people are already scaring me stiff on the TV these days...
"Rockstar: Supernova" had been going on for a fornight now and I had not been too impressed by this new competition as compared to the first one...
But there is this particular lady contestant though I can't been to certain about her/his actual gender...
Dilana with her face piercings, maschera and body tattoos might be a long lost brother/sister to Tommy Lee...

But when she sang with her deep, coarse, masculine voice Nirvana's "Lithium" last week, I thought I had seen the malevolent protagonist of M. Night Shyamalam's new film, "Lady in the Water"
It was disturbing but not enough to give me nightmares like a prospective Singapore Idol for this year...
This chap known as Paul Twohill, with his feminine facial shape, fringe that totally covers his left eye and a mouth that resembles the crypt-keeper from "Tales of the Crypt" and the braces surely make it look more obnoxious...
It is more of being loathesome rather than scary....
I know I was a big fan of Japanese visual kei rock stars who at times not advisable to be seen by old people with pacemakers in their hearts or young children...but this so-called emotional rocker just does not make a cut for me...
I don't even want to have his face to grace my blog...
But with the Hungry Ghost Festival around the corner, perhaps he would gain an upper hand and win the Idol never's a crazy world out there...
Japanese word of the day: 酸~sa-n~(Acid) Perhaps we should wash our tongue with alkaline soon after so much unsavoury comments of others...
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