I'm such a big baby..
30th September 2005, Friday
The final day of September as well as the final day of the week, and what an eventful month September has been... Birthdays for my lass and my dad...I came back from my Japan to find out that several of my old comrades at work are leaving for greener pastures... I thought my hard disk crashed and went on to get a new PC to find out the DVD writer was giving me whole lot of problem which turned out to be petty incompartible media problem all along... I had tried my best to do up my travelogue to to be awakened by the rude fact that the free domain which had served me so well for the past year or so, had not throwing whatever files I had uploaded into oblivion...and last but not least, a stomach flu to end the month with....
Well hope October would be a less eventful (but not necessary dull) month...
Back to work and more little remnants that JxMMy left behind to welcome me in the morning, notifying me not to wipe off the data of our German collaboraters..yada..yada..yada...
Then later on, he "suspected" the current of our of the machine was not quite normal (then again who would check the current when everything is going on fine without any discrepancies in the results) and tried his best to figure out what's wrong..
I dunno could be a combination of factors of my body still reeling from my illness or the work recently has grown a bit stale to be excited about or I just lose any zest and passion for anything... For the whole of today I felt I am just going through the motion, and my mind is really blank...even had nothing to look forward to do when I get home later...
Anyway with this stomach flu I felt I am still a big baby, even at an age when I am capable of making a few babies myself (as my mom would always want to remind me)..
My parents would keep checking on me on how I am feeling, so would my girl who would keep bugging me to take more vitamin pills (which she would be selling nonetheless)..
But been a person who is a remote stranger to the term "independance", I actually survive on such attentions showered to me though I know it's all wrong..
But it's always good to have a few loved ones constantly on the look-out for you, instead of fending this cold, cruel world by yourself.
Hey look..Mom even packed some bread she bought purposely for me yesterday, just in case I still do not have the appetite for rice for lunch....
well she had been saying that I couldn't live without my PC for a day, which is true to some extent but I couldn't live without her with a greater extent...hey you can call me Raymond from this day on man...
The final day of September as well as the final day of the week, and what an eventful month September has been... Birthdays for my lass and my dad...I came back from my Japan to find out that several of my old comrades at work are leaving for greener pastures... I thought my hard disk crashed and went on to get a new PC to find out the DVD writer was giving me whole lot of problem which turned out to be petty incompartible media problem all along... I had tried my best to do up my travelogue to to be awakened by the rude fact that the free domain which had served me so well for the past year or so, had not throwing whatever files I had uploaded into oblivion...and last but not least, a stomach flu to end the month with....
Well hope October would be a less eventful (but not necessary dull) month...
Back to work and more little remnants that JxMMy left behind to welcome me in the morning, notifying me not to wipe off the data of our German collaboraters..yada..yada..yada...
Then later on, he "suspected" the current of our of the machine was not quite normal (then again who would check the current when everything is going on fine without any discrepancies in the results) and tried his best to figure out what's wrong..
I dunno could be a combination of factors of my body still reeling from my illness or the work recently has grown a bit stale to be excited about or I just lose any zest and passion for anything... For the whole of today I felt I am just going through the motion, and my mind is really blank...even had nothing to look forward to do when I get home later...
Anyway with this stomach flu I felt I am still a big baby, even at an age when I am capable of making a few babies myself (as my mom would always want to remind me)..
My parents would keep checking on me on how I am feeling, so would my girl who would keep bugging me to take more vitamin pills (which she would be selling nonetheless)..
But been a person who is a remote stranger to the term "independance", I actually survive on such attentions showered to me though I know it's all wrong..
But it's always good to have a few loved ones constantly on the look-out for you, instead of fending this cold, cruel world by yourself.
Hey look..Mom even packed some bread she bought purposely for me yesterday, just in case I still do not have the appetite for rice for lunch....
well she had been saying that I couldn't live without my PC for a day, which is true to some extent but I couldn't live without her with a greater extent...hey you can call me Raymond from this day on man...
Japanese word of the day: 赤ちゃん~a-ka-chan~ (Baby) Have you seen one as ugly as me?
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Guildtank, at 6:36 PM
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