So they found their FORTUNE!
And yes there went the finale of "Rock Star: INXS" and yes I went from on the verge of becoming an INXS fan when Marty took on a INXS' classic, "Don't Change" for the final round after Mig was ousted from the brood (he shouldn't had taken on Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" to begin with).. I told myself within that if Marty would actually be assuming a role the late Micheal Hutchence had been so popularly been doing while incorporate his own unique character into a talent band, I would be hooked for life...Then while J.D. was performing his tune with INXS, I was so unbothered that I went to do my own stuff...
So when Tim (in his usual serious "you are not suitable for our band" tone) took off his glasses (oh no!) and proclaimed J.D. Fortune as the winner of the contest, I just felt I might had saved a few dollars not to indulge in a band that I had been listening for since my teens and yet not too inclined to their sounds... Basically as By mentioned in the replied SMS, they are afterall looking for someone who sounds a lot like Micheal and they seemed to find that in J.D....well I don't I would be seeing the last of Marty the same for Mig & Jordis as they would continue rocking the stage if they were offered a for J.D., he got his wish and a great reward for the most illustrated character of the whole contest...

Had lunch with Boon Hoe, my old comrade on the pitch back in the poly days and for the last 3 years a comrade at work. He would be leaving officially tomorrow with greener pastures discovered in the pipeline; so he felt it was a fitting time to dine together (like it would be the last supper or something). We had some nice, nostalgic talk about our younger days of hanging out for soccer training or skipping lessons to play soccer back in my SRJC days. Then on the way back i asked him so what would he be missing the most after he left our workplace...without a second of thoughts, he answered, "the char-bo (girls)" I was like "Pardon!?"
He was the same guy who told me that our workplace was a barren land, void of prospective dating targets, and now he gave me such a reply, of course I was taken aback. I mean the answer itself was a bit shallow but for a normal. healthy lad that has yet tasted the sweet nectar of soul mate companionship in his 27 years of existence (not referring to you TW, you are totally an isolated case!) , I could understand his plight. Then again his supervisor is a reforming Japanese asshole while his colleagues did not vgive much damn about him. The company did not recognised his hard-earned degree, restricting him with such minimum wages and benefits. No wonder he did not feel much to be leaving, except for the mass of young nubile ladies here that might his own social circle...
Talking about young docile things, I was pretty petrified by a video which Liz from the neighbouring lab had forwarded to YM. It was labeled with warning to girls who fancied showing their physique in tube blouse or other flesh-revealing outfit. It showed a poorly made home video taken with the backdrop of a developed Asian city, perhaps Taipei or Tokyo.
The show had snippets of a young lad with cascaded face scampering at the rears of unsuspecting ladies (victims' faces shown), and then forcefully pulled down their tops, bras included, revealing their assets... and many distraught victims were left lost of how to react except frantically covering themselves from the intrusive exposure...
I wondered it was supposed to be a prank or joke, or to satisfy the sick minds of lecherous men around the world... this was totally tasteless.. Pornography is one thing but the clip was just disgusting. It could be that the victims might be willing parties but the clip felt like it was taken from a hidden camera afar... I shuddered at the thoughts that the victims could be your loved ones, and how traumatised they could much as cases of rape or molest...sorry to sound that incensed but the acts were uncalled for, and the scary part is that they got away with it for several attempts and managed to tape down the whole process and circulate around on the world wide web
The email had a disclaimer that request ladies not to send this to guys who might reciprocate here, but guess what, I think it was the guys who started circulating this in the first place...
Man, for a moment I'm grieving for myself to be in this gender...
Japanese word of the day: 勝つ ~ka-tsu~(Win) J.D. might be the winner but he didn't win my heart
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