Creativity & Chaos
24th November 2005, Thursday
These 2 words are perhaps loosely associated but I feel through chaos one can bring out his/her creativty potential within them...
Read an article on Today today regarding how Singapore is less receptive to bringing out or even accomodating to one's creativity in work place and in general life aspect, always adopting the "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" syndrome that our local workplaces had been inculcating...
This lag way behind from other developed countries like Japan which is way true although you might fault me for lobbying for my illegitimate homeland...
However many would beg to differ that in Singapore we are not totally void of creative minds, perhaps Mr Sim or even my buddy now a budding console game designer would be beg to differ vehemently...
Back in the army, we have something we called USMS (don't ask me what is it abbre for because I had automatically wipe it off my data system even before I left the force) which coerced servicemen to submit monthly suggestions to improve the state of conditions within. They also offered some monetary kitty to cajole them... However it is always the threat of been taking away some benefits like off-in-lieu that made most of us think of something out of nothing...I believe many big government organisations would be using such a system as well.But creativity could never be forced just like you cannot put Ronaldinho in a rigid tactics in the pitch and expect him to exude his footballing creativity he is so famous analogy I know...
Even in our work environment despite in a routine world of science where we had to adhere to protocols to produce viable results, one can make use of their creativity...
The famous Mr JxMMy is always to produce some strains of his creativity (to his stoic conveniences) day in day out though no one actually gives a damn about it...
While a systematic person like YM would content with the state of conditions with rarely injections of new ideas, JxMMy the chaotic one (just look at his workstation) would always think of way to improve the functionality of our system.. His strong sense of administration always resulted in him downloading plenty of software to safe-guard the computers of the machines (however to adverse effects frequently)
He always tried to come out with a system to overlook the chaos of our result management which could be a few hundreds a day but always too "introvert" voice it out and need to write on petty notes and paste everywhere like talismans.
Talking about creativity and chaos, I have been dabbling with both recently...
With the establishment of my own web domain, I felt it is justisfiable to concentrate alot of my webpage since I had already invested money on it...
This brought out my creativity to instill new features on my hobby in Japanese toys and related items; which eat in almost all of my free time at home nowadays...
I also wanted to bring order to the chaotic scene of toys collection at least to myself to keep a update on what goodies are to be released as well as what treasures I had bought over a period of time and been forgotten under a heap of dust somewhere in my room.
Of course like most artists, writers or people in the creative field they would always wanted to be acknowledged, recognised and accoladed by others for their efforts (though one can be himself's best audience); which is why I put a counter in my page to register the number of visits (which have been moving way too slowly perhaps due to poor "advertising" effect) as well as a guestbooks for everyone to say how much they like about my far one comment from Ferris (who is the only one felt obligated to write something) and that's it....
I am also kind of inspired to be a writer which perhaps why I tried to instill flowery language structures and vocabulary in the things I write but I know I can never be like Azrael who can always make the life of a attachment teacher in Japan so interesting, despite the suspicion of fabricating the whole sale through.
Well nonetheless the webpage as well as this blog are means to chronicle my life in the prime period (like how I had been wasting hours writing useless stuff online or taking pictures of my toys when I should be finding good opportunity to nourish myself physically, mentally or financially) in case I become (*TOUCHWOOD*) senile in my greying days, I can always read these for referance of myself...
Actually I am suffering from slight senile dementia as I had been mixing up the days for the past week since Tuesday like I thought that today is Friday, of course it could because it's my last work day for this week..yoohoo!
These 2 words are perhaps loosely associated but I feel through chaos one can bring out his/her creativty potential within them...
Read an article on Today today regarding how Singapore is less receptive to bringing out or even accomodating to one's creativity in work place and in general life aspect, always adopting the "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" syndrome that our local workplaces had been inculcating...
This lag way behind from other developed countries like Japan which is way true although you might fault me for lobbying for my illegitimate homeland...
However many would beg to differ that in Singapore we are not totally void of creative minds, perhaps Mr Sim or even my buddy now a budding console game designer would be beg to differ vehemently...
Back in the army, we have something we called USMS (don't ask me what is it abbre for because I had automatically wipe it off my data system even before I left the force) which coerced servicemen to submit monthly suggestions to improve the state of conditions within. They also offered some monetary kitty to cajole them... However it is always the threat of been taking away some benefits like off-in-lieu that made most of us think of something out of nothing...I believe many big government organisations would be using such a system as well.But creativity could never be forced just like you cannot put Ronaldinho in a rigid tactics in the pitch and expect him to exude his footballing creativity he is so famous analogy I know...
Even in our work environment despite in a routine world of science where we had to adhere to protocols to produce viable results, one can make use of their creativity...
The famous Mr JxMMy is always to produce some strains of his creativity (to his stoic conveniences) day in day out though no one actually gives a damn about it...
While a systematic person like YM would content with the state of conditions with rarely injections of new ideas, JxMMy the chaotic one (just look at his workstation) would always think of way to improve the functionality of our system.. His strong sense of administration always resulted in him downloading plenty of software to safe-guard the computers of the machines (however to adverse effects frequently)
He always tried to come out with a system to overlook the chaos of our result management which could be a few hundreds a day but always too "introvert" voice it out and need to write on petty notes and paste everywhere like talismans.
Talking about creativity and chaos, I have been dabbling with both recently...
With the establishment of my own web domain, I felt it is justisfiable to concentrate alot of my webpage since I had already invested money on it...
This brought out my creativity to instill new features on my hobby in Japanese toys and related items; which eat in almost all of my free time at home nowadays...
I also wanted to bring order to the chaotic scene of toys collection at least to myself to keep a update on what goodies are to be released as well as what treasures I had bought over a period of time and been forgotten under a heap of dust somewhere in my room.
Of course like most artists, writers or people in the creative field they would always wanted to be acknowledged, recognised and accoladed by others for their efforts (though one can be himself's best audience); which is why I put a counter in my page to register the number of visits (which have been moving way too slowly perhaps due to poor "advertising" effect) as well as a guestbooks for everyone to say how much they like about my far one comment from Ferris (who is the only one felt obligated to write something) and that's it....
I am also kind of inspired to be a writer which perhaps why I tried to instill flowery language structures and vocabulary in the things I write but I know I can never be like Azrael who can always make the life of a attachment teacher in Japan so interesting, despite the suspicion of fabricating the whole sale through.
Well nonetheless the webpage as well as this blog are means to chronicle my life in the prime period (like how I had been wasting hours writing useless stuff online or taking pictures of my toys when I should be finding good opportunity to nourish myself physically, mentally or financially) in case I become (*TOUCHWOOD*) senile in my greying days, I can always read these for referance of myself...
Actually I am suffering from slight senile dementia as I had been mixing up the days for the past week since Tuesday like I thought that today is Friday, of course it could because it's my last work day for this week..yoohoo!
Japanese word of the day:創造性 ~~ (Creativity) Perhaps I should put my creativity together to write a novel of all the wretched people I have met in my life.
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