Strange Premonition
13th December 2005, Tuesday
I had a strange premonition this morning as I proceed to work and in the style of "Lost" it actually was realized...
I took the direct feeder train from Yishun down to Bouna Vista and usually would not doze off till after the Yew Tee station which was like a good 5 minutes journey from the preceding Kranji station. The smooth, uninterrupted route is always anesthetic..However today I was still pretty much awake (perhaps due to the unplanned early sleep which thwarted my plan to work on my collage last evening).
To safeguard my place it is better to just close your eyes and even pretend to be in slumberland.
Just as I shutted my lids, I could visualize a very pregnant woman stepping on the the train from the platform of Yew Tee MRT station which is a valid reason to be a Good Samaritan to give up my prrrreeeecccciouuuuuusssss (in the tone of Gollum) seat...
For a split second I opened my eyes, and there it was staring in front of me is the bloated abdomen of a very pregnant woman who just stepped onto the train...
I may be had the strong desire to snooze on board all the way to work, I felt it was only right to give up the seat as the Naval Staff Sgt on my right and the China-auntie reeking of strong medicated ointment on my left would never be in such kind fashion ever....
Well perhaps of the good deed I was in much jovial mood this very day, breezing through my work and worked with an extra spring in my steps...
And a good run during gym session ensures I am fully energized for the entire afternoon (only to sleep early in the evening much to my rue)
I was also able to do the 1st of the series of collages for my webpage to commemorate X'mas and hopefully could be put up by before 12 midnight as I wanted to do it daily before it hit X'mas eve, so today is actually 12 days before X'mas eve (I'm such a DORK!)
Back home yesterday evening, Mom reminded me to check if I could made reservation for the Registry of Marriage for a date in March (by right it has to be 3 months before in case of popular dates like let's say Valentines) which I blatant forgotten again...
She then bugged me about giving some part of my bonus to appease my future wife and whatever not claiming that it is to assimilate the woman's nature which I was completely not in the mood to condescend especially when talking about money...
Anyway seems like all the festive celebrations would really take a toll on my already-tight budget..with a forthcoming dinner with my Japanese-loving clique this Saturday and a demand from Mom of a pizza for dinner on X'mas day, I would now have to have another $100 available which was supposed to be other purposes, gotta find else where to scrimp from now..
I had a strange premonition this morning as I proceed to work and in the style of "Lost" it actually was realized...
I took the direct feeder train from Yishun down to Bouna Vista and usually would not doze off till after the Yew Tee station which was like a good 5 minutes journey from the preceding Kranji station. The smooth, uninterrupted route is always anesthetic..However today I was still pretty much awake (perhaps due to the unplanned early sleep which thwarted my plan to work on my collage last evening).
To safeguard my place it is better to just close your eyes and even pretend to be in slumberland.
Just as I shutted my lids, I could visualize a very pregnant woman stepping on the the train from the platform of Yew Tee MRT station which is a valid reason to be a Good Samaritan to give up my prrrreeeecccciouuuuuusssss (in the tone of Gollum) seat...
For a split second I opened my eyes, and there it was staring in front of me is the bloated abdomen of a very pregnant woman who just stepped onto the train...
I may be had the strong desire to snooze on board all the way to work, I felt it was only right to give up the seat as the Naval Staff Sgt on my right and the China-auntie reeking of strong medicated ointment on my left would never be in such kind fashion ever....
Well perhaps of the good deed I was in much jovial mood this very day, breezing through my work and worked with an extra spring in my steps...
And a good run during gym session ensures I am fully energized for the entire afternoon (only to sleep early in the evening much to my rue)
I was also able to do the 1st of the series of collages for my webpage to commemorate X'mas and hopefully could be put up by before 12 midnight as I wanted to do it daily before it hit X'mas eve, so today is actually 12 days before X'mas eve (I'm such a DORK!)
Back home yesterday evening, Mom reminded me to check if I could made reservation for the Registry of Marriage for a date in March (by right it has to be 3 months before in case of popular dates like let's say Valentines) which I blatant forgotten again...
She then bugged me about giving some part of my bonus to appease my future wife and whatever not claiming that it is to assimilate the woman's nature which I was completely not in the mood to condescend especially when talking about money...
Anyway seems like all the festive celebrations would really take a toll on my already-tight budget..with a forthcoming dinner with my Japanese-loving clique this Saturday and a demand from Mom of a pizza for dinner on X'mas day, I would now have to have another $100 available which was supposed to be other purposes, gotta find else where to scrimp from now..
Japanese word of the day:予感 ~yo-kan~ (Premonition) Wait I got a premonition that the world might come to an abrupt end by 2036 when a huge asteriod hit the earth...
come on it's a not a demand from mum. She worked so hard for the family and just wish to take a day off and has some cravings for pizza, won't you just be kind enuff to fork about 1% of your monthly salary to cheer her up and thank her for working so hard??!!
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM
No point putting "Anoymous"..I know exactly who you are
Kei, at 8:11 AM
of coz i know u will know who am i, i just lazy to log on or put my name lar :p
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM
Better not be that irritating animal in my room...
Kei, at 4:02 PM
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